I Get It
The Conservatives are working hard to set up a majority win in the next federal election. Harper has muzzled his caucus (they have a habit of foot-in-mouth disease), he has begun a war on the media, (not to be trusted) and he is working hard to control the message, focussing on success and hading failure.
I have feared Harper since his Reform days. He is intelligent, driven and very Conservative in his beliefs and paractices. He has U.S. envy and has spoken of some embarrassment with the average Canadian. I fear him and his supporters more and more each day. I continue to wonder why anyone would support this man and his party.
I am beginning to see the light.
The bloggers have been debating the 'child daycare' issue on a number of sites. Those supporting Harper's $1200.00 plan are very unapologetic in their condemnation of the Liberal plan. There is a true anger with the levels of taxation in this country and a sincere belief that single mothers need a wake up call, 'quit having kids you cannot support!'. There is also a belief that wealthy, double income Canadians will receive the biggest return from the Liberal plan.
I am a little concerned that these angry people are the same ones working to remove the gun registry, and that they are often homophobes hoping to deny fellow Canadians their legal rights but these are issues for another time. What is most upsetting is the selfishness of these people.
Canada is a dynamic, vibrant and healthy place to live. We enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world and have been named 'the best place to live' by international organizations. For a country with such a small and diverse population these accomplishments are nothing short of amazing. Is it possible that the predominantly Liberal governance of our country can be said to have played a small role in these successes?
Ultimately, it remains true that the majority of Canadians maintain a slightly left of center perspective on how this country should be run. The most successful right wing federal leaders have recognized this and have worked to govern through compromise in order to move the electorate, slowly toward the right.
Millions of people would love to come to live in Canada. We are not having enough children of our own to maintain our population so we must look to immigration for stability and growth. The average U.S. citizen has been put in debt to the tune of $28000.00 (per person share of national debt) our personal debt load is $19450.00 and shrinking. Our economy as been growing for years while the U.S. economy is dieing. Our poverty rates are lower and...
C'mon all you angry Conservatives. Celebrate being Canadian. Understand that your neighbors are proud of what are nation has achieved and what we stand for. For over 100 years now approximately 65% of Canadians have opposed the philosophies of the right and yet our nation has become and maintained a standing of envy around the globe.
Eventually Mr. Harper will grow so paranoid he will lock himself in Sussex and refuse to talk to anyone. His ministers will grow tired of the gag rules and begin to speak their truths and the media will find the closetted skeletons. The Liberals will choose a dynamic new leader, the auto workers will transfer their energies to the Liberals and all will return to normal. Can't you find a way to live with these truths?
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