Saturday, March 11, 2006

You Almost Have to Admire His Audacity

Well here we are at the beginning of the spring season and the Stephen Harper led Conservative party continues to be mired in controversy.

Mr. Harper was quick to prove that his words and actions do not necessarily have much to do with one another. See 'It only took him 17 minutes' Now, he has put on the mask of arrogance he once hated on the face of Chretien and Martin. (Ethics watchdog bedamned), Harper has advised that he will not cooperate with the ethics commissioner and now faces official censure over the matter.

Non-conservatives watched in awe the mastery of Harper's team as they worked to convince Canadians that their morals were somehow above those of the Liberals. Somehow the ethics of a law breaking Justice Minister, Public Safety Minister and the valueless 'WORD' of Peter McKay, (I will not work to merge the parties.)were not important during an election that focussed on ethics. WOW, that was a neat bit of work.

It is somewhat unfortunate that the honest supporters of the Conservative party had to learn the true nature of their leader and his insiders even before their first sitting in the house. As I have stated before, the majority of voters in Canada have not been surprised but we are watching in awe as Harper revels in his new found power and he continues to find new ways to prove his worth.

The Liberals are becoming fairly urgent in their search for a new leader. It is apparent that the Conservatives of Stephen Harper are determined to prove that they can self destruct at an even faster pace then did Joe Clark.

In a sane world a newly elected leader would work to surpass the expectations of his own supporters in the hopes of reaching out to those who doubted his skills and character. Mr. Martin could not meet this challenge. Stephen Harper has no interest in even attempting to meet this challenge.


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