Tuesday, February 14, 2006

And this is only the beginning...

Sometimes it is best to let the experts speak for you.

I would like to say that this is most certainly only the beggining of what is almost certainly going to be a most painful period of Canadian history.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

It Only Took Him "17 minutes" to Get it Wrong

The best way to judge Mr. Harper and his party is to listen to them. Thankfully for Canada and Canadians they are their own worst enemies.

"There's no grand principle involved in this decision, just ambition," Harper said.(Harper on Belinda Stronach's defection, May 2005)

"I think it shows there are two kinds of people in public life -- people with principle and people like Belinda Stronach," (B.C. Conservative MP James Moore, May 2005)

“What David Emerson did, I would suggest, is different,..." (Peter McKay Feb. 2006)
Apparently, McKay believes that men make pricipled decisions based on the good of their constituents while women are just political opporutnists.

"The other thing I want to do is, you know, I'm a long-time advocate of Senate reform which we're going to start through an electoral process." (Stephen Harper Jan. 2006)

"Harper's pledge to reform the Senate by appointing only elected Senators as one of his first steps in the new Parliament." (C.T.V. News Feb. 2006)
Reaction to the Harper's appointment of Michael Fortier to the Senate

"Harper is "demanding" he publicly support Emerson's appointment." Calgary Sun, Feb. 2006) Conservative M.P. G. Turner contemplates leaving the Conervative Party after being told to keep his views to himself regarding the appointment of ex-Liberal Emerson to the Conservative cabinet.

Many Canadians reacted angrily to Harper's questionable actions.

"Prime Minister Harper provided Canadians with open, accountable government for a whopping 17 minutes prior to becoming Prime Minister earlier this week, until he successfully lured David Emerson from the Liberal cabinet." (The Hammer.ca Feb. 2006)

Mr. Harper is fast tracking his party's slide into the slime of political chicanery. The majority of Canadian voters are probably not surprised, however, apparently many Conservative supporters and voters have been caught off guard.

"Amazingly, the first actions of a Calgarian leading a conservative government rooted in the West are roundly condemned throughout the West."(Murdoch Davis, Toronto Star, Feb. 2006)

I have been angry with the right wing leadership and supporters of our nation for many years. I believe that Mulroney and Manning created the mess that saw the BLOC become the official opposition. I argued for years that a weak, divided right was bad for Canada and I have expressed grave doubts over the selection of a Reform Party policy chair as the leader of our 'new' Conservative party. Having now lived through two weeks of Conservative stewardship I can only state amazement in reaction to the incompetance and hubris that is the Harper led government.

For the love of Canada, won't someone with integrity and vision take control of our national, right wing political agenda. If this keeps up we may end up with Belinda Stronach as our next Prime Minister. Ohh, the horror.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Uncertain Future

Our new Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has begun to put his stamp on our nation. He stated that he would work to mend our relationship with the U.S. and then two days later virtually declared war on our southern neighbors, arguing that he will spend billions to defend our northern waters. Harper was responding to the U.S. ambassador's assertion that the North West Passage is international territory.

Mr. Harper next, put his children in jeopardy for a photo op of him shaking hands with his son as he saw him off to school, showing us his wonderful paternal instincts.

Canadians are now waiting for Harper to announce his cabinet. We have been led to believe that his deputy leader will not get the nod as deputy P.M., Brian Pallister, a well liked Manitoban has advised that he does not want a cabinet post, (he is considering jumping ship)and many Canadians are waiting to see if Stock Day will be our new foriegn affairs minister.

Canadians have put their trust in a new government. We can only hope things get better for the Harper led Conservatives. I won't be holding my breath.