Getting It Right
The recent rantings of B. Pallister regarding D.Dingwall have once again reminded Canadians why the C.P.C. are not to be trusted with the governance of Canada. This is a poorly run group of power hungry, out of control, angry, right wing social conservatives who have given up on the idea of moderation as a means of securing the votes of moderates. (O.k. this is a lot of hyperbole just to say that the C.P.C. is amazingly bad.)
I am a Canadian who is angry with Mr. Preston Manning and Mr. Brian Mulroney for creating the power base of the present Liberal party. Mr. Chretien and Mr. Martin have known for years that the right wing of our national political spectrum is damaged and impotent. Mr. Martin wants a majority govt. so he is working to fix the problems of the party but does so with no fear of the C.P.C. and so he lacks any real motivation.
THE REFORM PARTY WAS CREATED BY RIGHT WING ADVOCATES WHO CHOSE TO SPLIT FROM THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY RATHER THAN WORK FOR CHANGE FROM WITHIN. Steven Harper was a member of the Reform party, (policy chair) and he must shoulder some of the blame.
And now a new party, the Progressive Canadian Party, is working to split the right wing vote once again. Luckily for this new political organization, Mr. Harper has proven to be inept, the party organization has proven to be flawed and desparate Canadians will probably reach out to this new group looking for a voice to represent fiscal conservatism and social moderation.
I have given the state of our national politics a lot of thought over the past few months. I have blogged to Conservatives, begging grass roots members demand that their party listen to the majority of Canadians who are social moderates in order to make the party a viable alternative to the Liberals. Instead of listening and working for a true and productive dialogue I am slammed as a Liberal plant trying to undermine the necessary work of the new C.P.C.
Am I insane to believe that in a democracy the party with the best chance of winning an election is the party that is most in tune with the desires and views of the majority of voters? Is it crazy to believe that a political party must look to meet the voters half way before trying to lead the voters in new directions?
I am an optimist. I believe that Mr. Harper will, eventually be forced to step aside. The moderate conservatives of Canada, from east to west will wrestle power away from the last vestiges of the Manning lead Reform movement and a true balance of power will be restored. The Liberals will fear their opposition and work hard to maintain the trust and confidence of the voters and every once and awhile the voters will give the Conservatives a short mandate just to let the Liberals know who is really in power. Sanity will prevail.